Friday, September 14, 2007

Greek Placement Test

I took my Greek placement test today. I felt that I did pretty well. The test was two hours, and I used almost every minute of it. It wasn't a tough test, but there are still a few places that gave me a small spot of trouble. I was given a fairly large passage from I Corinthians. It was 12:12-27, the passage about what it means to be the body of Christ. That was by far the more difficult of the two passages. A lot of syntatical elements to muddle through, a few participles here and there. A good overall passage to cover most of the basics of biblical Greek, and a good refresher for me.

The second passage, which I think I pretty much nailed, was a hybrid passage from John. Verses 52-54 and 67-70 were combined into one short paragraph. I know I completely messed up on one very short question in that passage (instead of saying, "where would we go," I said "where should we follow you?") but overall I felt comfortable with how I did. Hopefully I did well enough to pass out, so we'll see how everything goes. I find out on Sunday night or Monday morning, so here's hoping!

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