Monday, October 29, 2007

Coming Home for Thanksgiving?

I have been ruling out coming home for Thanksgiving up to this point for financial reasons, but for kicks I decided to check out some airlines to see if anything would potentially work. Amazingly enough, I actually found tickets to come to California for only $310 after taxes. That's still quite a bit of money (much more than it cost to initially come out here) but all the same that's a very good price. I, of course, would have to factor in the cost for train tickets to get to and from the airport in either Newark or New York, but what I thought was not doable may actually be possible. It would be from a Sunday to a Friday, so I'd have some solid time to spend with family and friends. A lot of my classes are being cancelled that week due to SBL meetings at the seminary and professors being unavailable, so I wouldn't miss too much in terms of classes. But that's still quiet a bit of money, and I'm not sure it's worth the money to come home. I also don't have the money now to afford it. But we'll see; if the prices remain the way they are, perhaps it will be possible. We will see.

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