Thursday, September 18, 2008

Time Management

I have finished going to all my classes now. This will probably be one of the easiest semesters in my academic career, at least in terms of my "official" classes. Preaching is going to be good, and I'm very glad that one of the interns at LCPC urged me to take the class from Sally Brown. I think the challenge in this class is going to be expanding my understanding of what preaching is and forcing myself to explore different approaches to it. Minister and Mental Illness is going to be really easy but also very good. The three hour class was shortened to a two-hour class, but apparently the professor for this class is one of the most respected scholars in the field of practical theology, especially in the area psychology and ministry. So that class will be good if not quite challenging. My children's ministry practicum is going to be what I expected to be, though I am the only one who does not want to go into full-time children's ministry. It will be a good place to bounce ideas around and gain a bit of confidence working with kids.

My thesis will be the most difficult challenge I face this year, by far. It is not the subject matter, but the time management that will be extremely difficult to maintain. There is no one keeping me accountable to my work except myself, so this is going to be a tough lesson in self-motivation and time management. Thankfully my schedule will give me the flexibility to devote more time to my thesis if I need it. Still, it will be a big challenge. But taking the whole package together, this semester will most likely be a bit easier than others I've had on average, and certainly the easiest so far at Princeton.

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