Saturday, November 3, 2007


It has been quite a busy week with many new developments and changes. It's a rough but expected time, and I'm wrestling through it the best I can.

This week was my week of midterms, so I have been reading and writing like mad. Two midterms are finished, two more are about to be done, due on Monday and Tuesday (they're take-home essays). Once those are finished, life will calm down quite a bit. I'll still have a lot of work, but it will be less stressful and more manageable.

I'm still working on finding my place, my niche at the seminary. Though my feet are starting to feel the ground a bit, I still feel somewhat suspended, not quite sure where I'm landing. It is teaching me how to rely on God's faithfulness rather than my efforts. If there's one thing that I'm learning at this school is that I certainly cannot do this on my own. The power of prayer and time of devotion is certainly more tangible than it has been in quite some time.

More updates will come once I have finished up with midterms on Tuesday. At that point my life should become much more sane.

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