Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Almost the End

I almost should call this the last post before school ends because I don't know if I'll write anything next week, but this chapter will soon be closing. I have three finals left, one due next week on Wednesday, and two on Saturday. All papers. I have already completed two of my finals, so two classes (which includes my independent study) is done.

My independent study being done has given me the greatest relief and joy. I have been studying under a professor who is considered one of the leading (if not the leading) theologian on Missional Theology in the world. I turned in my paper to him last week and was able to sit down with him yesterday to discuss my work, and I was incredibly happy to hear his response. He gave me some good criticism and advice moving forward, but overall he was happy with my work and thought I had made some good contributions not only in general but also to some of the work he has been doing. So I was very happy to hear that and to know that I had received an A for my work. The grade is definitely nice, but it was even better to know that my work has been appreciated.

So now the rest seems pretty easy. It's not going to be too easy, but compared to this research paper, the rest is not as stressful. So I'm working diligently on everything, slowly chipping away at each project one at a time. It's been harder to stay motivated knowing that I'm so close to the end. But I want to finish strong, so that is what I'm pushing toward.

In other news, I have a summer job. I'll be working at Forest Home this summer as a staff dean. That means I'll be the pastoral presence for about 200 young adults (17-26 years of age) who work as program or support staff. So I am pretty excited about that. I wish I could be a little closer to home and church this summer, but this will work for the summer. I can come home in the fall and hopefully find something closer to home and family (and Cathy).

Now it's time for me to get going today, so I'll plan on updating once my finals are over.

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