Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Officially finished with the Semester

I am now officially finished with my first complete semester of seminary. I turned in my last set of papers and took my last final exam this morning and now wait in tension wondering how well I did. Finals turned out to be much more reasonable than I was expecting. Since I really had no expectations, I simply assumed the worst, but was pleasantly surprised at most of them, especially Systematic Theology. Church History was of course a terrible final, but that class is finished and I don't have to worry about it anymore. Hebrew on Saturday went well having just gotten off a plane 10 hours prior to that final. By far the best final I took was Systematic Theology. It wasn't that I felt most prepared for it (I didn't start studying for it until last night); it wasn't that it was an easy final either. It was simply helpful. One of the professors, Bruce McCormack, started out by gathering the whole class, and making sure we all knew what the exam was about and answered all our questioned. He kept the mood light and more importantly he helped us understand that the final was supposed to be a helpful exercise rather than torture. The goal was to take what we had learned and apply it (what a novel idea). Then he prayed for us and I cramped my hand after two and a half hours of writing. But approaching the final that way made it much easier to get it through.

Anyway, I am going to spend the next week and a half resting, getting a head start on reading, and spending time roaming around. It'll be nice to have a real break finally without the stress of finals.


Chris TerryNelson said...

Congrats Q! I'm currently finishing up a paper for McCormack's election class and then I'm free to roam around as well. I really enjoyed the Church as Public class with Flett, and found that 500 word essay to be the fruit of a lot of good solid labor (which I don't usually do).
Have a good break! :-)

Anonymous said...

Yay! Congrats on finishing your first semester.