Sunday, September 16, 2007

Results of the Placement Exam and Orientation News

I was informed this evening that I have placed out of Greek! I do not have to take Greek at PTS. So phase 1 is complete. My next goal is to get advanced placement for at least the NT intro class. Then I can start taking exegesis classes as early as next semester. If I am able to also test out of my OT Intro class, then I can start taking an exegesis class this semester with a professor who I met at the seminar weekend I went to. So we'll see what happens. I'm praying that I can get out of both, and I feel fairly confident that I can get placed out of the NT intro class.

Orientation is going well. I have met many people from different backgrounds and experiences. It has been a fairly easy transition. I have felt right at home since the first night I arrived, and though things are moving perhaps more quickly than I would like, at the same time I am not feeling left behind or alone.

This morning I attended Hopewell Presbyterian Church. It was a good experience, it was very welcoming from the first moment I stepped in with another seminarian who gave me a ride. The service was good, and I met a couple of APU grads from Redlands, one of whom was teaching a Freshmen Writing Seminar my first year there. So that was encouraging; it could very become my home church out here.

I've been using TV as my outlet to relax, so I've been watching a lot of Discovery channel programming and baseball when it's available. It can be nice sometimes to turn off my mind for 30 minutes to let myself recoup and not have to think about what is weighing on me. And of course, I'm reading and doing my usual logic puzzles as well.

I'm excited for this week. Classes begin Wednesday, so that's when it all breaks loose I suppose. But I'm looking forward to it. It should be an interesting semester.

1 comment:

Matthew Parker said...

That's great that you passed the test thing. And I'm glad you found a church out there. Do you have cable?